Images of Research: From the Field

To showcase the diverse research taking place at the U of S, a photography and imaging contest was launched called Images of Research. U of S students, staff, faculty and alumni were invited to submit visual depictions and brief descriptions of their research, scholarly, or artistic work.

By University Communications
Following a review of nearly 90 submissions by multidisciplinary judging panels, winners were selected in four categories, plus one category voted on by the public.

Here are the winning photos in the From the Field category.

1st place (pictured above): "Snowy Saskatchewan - from the stratosphere!" by Adam Vigneron (Engineering alumnus). Three times higher than a jet airliner—not bad for bachelor students! This balloons-eye view photo was taken during an April 2011 scientific ballooning campaign headed by the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics. Looking westward over Weyburn, the camera focuses on Moose Mountain Provincial Park with the Qu'appelle Valley visible on the centre-left. The experiment was designed and built by engineering physics students using consumer goods. Shielded by styrofoam and secured by an aluminum frame, the experiment collected photographs and recorded GPS and environmental data to determine the position and point-direction of each photo. The University of Saskatchewan's ballooning research continues to this day -- a recent campaign in Timmins saw the launch of prototype atmospheric instruments for a future Canadian satellite. With each launch, we are one step closer to showing the world just how much space this province can handle!

field2nd place: "Pond Plunge" by Michael Cavallaro (School of Environment and Sustainability). This is my study pond, located in St. Denis National Wildlife Area. Here, I installed wetland enclosures to isolate columns of water. Each enclosure was dosed with an insecticide treatment. I hope to determine the effects of low-level, chronic exposure of insecticides on aquatic invertebrate life in Prairie wetlands.