Images of Research 2017: Voting now open

The Images of Research photography and imaging competition is a way for U of S students, staff, faculty and alumni to showcase their research, scholarly and artistic work.

Last year's grand prize-winning photo ("Deep Hanging Out") by Rachel Phillips.

The competition seeks to celebrate those who submit the most visually impressive and clearly described images of U of S research.

Voting is now open in the competition's four categories: From the field; More than meets the eye; Community and impact; and Research in action. Prizes will also be given to the best description, as well as a viewer's choice—chosen by the campus community.

To vote for your favourite photos, visit the Images of Research website

Research makes society better. For Canada’s 150th birthday, we want to celebrate your research and the impact it has for Canada and the world. 

With the Making a Difference video competition, current U of S students, staff, and faculty were invited to tell their research story and how it benefits Canada—in 60 seconds or less. The most creative, visually engaging and the most popular pitches win prizes.

How does your research make a difference?

To vote for your favourite video, visit the competition website. Voting runs March 18–April 1.