Illustration by Julius Csotonyi © Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology.

USask dinosaur research among CNN, National Geographic’s top discoveries of 2020

The remarkable findings of a research partnership between the University of Saskatchewan (USask), Brandon University and the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alta., have been lauded by National Geographic and CNN as some of 2020’s “most fascinating and awe-inspiring discoveries.”

USask geologist Dr. Jim Basinger (PhD) is a member of the team that have been working to unlock the extremely well-preserved nodosaur’s many secrets—including what this large armoured dinosaur (a type of ankylosaur) actually ate for its last meal.  

Read more on this USask news story.

The research, published in June by Royal Society Open Science, provided detailed and definitive evidence of the diet of large, plant-eating dinosaurs—something that has not been known conclusively for any herbivorous dinosaur until now. News of this dino diet has since been published in a number of media outlets around the world.

Science's most fascinating and awe-inspiring discoveries in 2020 – via CNN:

10 awesome science discoveries you may have missed in 2020 – via National Geographic:

The 10 coolest dinosaur findings of 2020 – via LiveScience: