USask welcomes CFI president and CEO
On Nov. 6-7, the University of Saskatchewan (USask) was proud to host to the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) president and CEO Dr. Sylvain Charbonneau, along with the vice-president programs and planning, Dr. Mohamad Nasser-Eddine.
By University CommunicationsCharbonneau recently started as president and CEO of CFI, a non-profit corporation that invests in research infrastructure at Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals, and non-profit research institutions. He is a former researcher, entrepreneur, and leader in research administration. Before joining the CFI in October, Charbonneau held the role of vice-president, research and innovation, at the University of Ottawa.
USask is the home and proud leader of four recipients of support from the CFI Major Science Initiatives Fund (MSIF), a program designed to bolster ongoing operating and maintenance needs of research facilities of national importance. The Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron research facility, the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDarn), and Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO) are all nationally significant research initiatives supported by the CFI-MSIF.
During their two-day visit, Charbonneau and Nasser-Eddine participated in several tours of research facilities on the USask campus. At the CLS, the tour group received an overview of agriculture and agrifood science applications and of battery-related research. At VIDO, they got an inside look at the state-of-the-art high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration deck, the new vaccine manufacturing pilot plant, and containment Level 3 labs.
Along with these flagship CFI-MSIF-supported centres, the group also visited several other impactful research facilities, including USask’s HAWC (High-altitude Aerosols, Water vapour and Clouds) lab, the Crop Development Centre, and the Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre.
"USask was honoured to host Dr. Charbonneau and Dr. Nasser-Eddine on our beautiful campus this past week. The visit allowed them an inside look at our world-leading research infrastructure and showcased USask’s strong position in the national and international research ecosystem.”
— Dr. Baljit Singh, Vice-President Research, USask.
“It was a pleasure to visit the impressive research facilities at the University of Saskatchewan, and to meet top researchers across disciplines who are advancing Canada’s expertise in critical areas like health care, food security, and more. It is clear that Government of Canada investments through the CFI are helping build capacity for cutting-edge research that sparks discoveries and drives innovation.”
— Dr. Sylvain Charbonneau, President and CEO, CFI
Together, we will undertake the research the world needs. We invite you to join by supporting critical research at USask.