Employment and Saskatchewan retention rates up for U of S Edwards Business grads

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Dec. 21, 2011 2011-12-05-ESB A recent employment survey by Edwards Career Services at the Edwards School of Business shows that 20 per cent more U of S business grads are now staying in Saskatchewan to start their careers compared to 2006.

By University Communications

"A consistent trend over the last five years is the number of graduates staying in Saskatchewan," said Brent Wellman, director of Edwards Career Services. According to the statistics, 84.3 per cent of recent graduates accepted jobs in Saskatchewan, compared to 63 per cent in 2006. "We always knew our graduates were making a difference in the business world, but that this talent is staying in Saskatchewan will pay dividends for years to come.
"We all sense the buoyancy of the provincial economy, and it is clear that this is translating into great opportunities for our business school graduates," said Edwards School of Business Dean Daphne Taras. "It is also bringing happiness to their parents, who no longer have to bid them adieu."
Overall employment rates for fall 2010 and spring 2011 are up too, added Wellman. "We've seen a steady rate of employability improvement over the last three years," he said. "Of those who were looking, 86.6 per cent have secured employment, compared to 78.6 per cent in 2009."
The rate is even better for graduates who participated in the Cameco Business Co-operative Education Program. The survey indicated that more than 97 per cent of former co-op students are now employed. "The co-op program results in greater employability for graduates and we are continuing to invest heavily in the growth of the program," said Taras. 
The survey data, collected both online and by telephone, show Edwards grads are also seeing higher wages. Mean starting salaries went from $40,580 in 2008 to $42,554 in 2011, a jump of almost five per cent. Those who majored in marketing and human resources reported the highest earnings.
For more information, contact:
Jessica Wallace, Advancement Officer
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan