Supporting Aboriginal arts: Morgan speaks at U of S
The state of cultural policy in Canada raises important questions about the future of public support for Aboriginal arts and culture while pointing to several issues that can be applied to cultural development as a whole. At a time when policy emphasis appears to have shifted from culture's educational importance to its commercial potential and from creativity in the arts to participation, public funding policy is challenged to address the unique importance of the creative expression of Aboriginal peoples. In his presentation, Jeremy Morgan will explore current policy approaches and the possibilities of a new framework for developing policy in this area.
By University Communications
Jeremy Morgan, Diefenbaker Policy Fellow at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
Jeremy Morgan has been actively involved with the arts and cultural communities in Saskatchewan for over 22 years. From September 1999 until March 2010, he was the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Saskatchewan Arts Board. During his tenure, the Arts Board initiated and/or partnered in a number of new programs including several which directly support Aboriginal artists and communities, arts and learning, creative industries, touring and access and public engagement. From its opening in 1992 until August 1999, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Wanuskewin Heritage Park. Prior to his employment at Wanuskewin, Mr. Morgan was the General Manager of the Saskatchewan Council of Cultural Organizations, presently known as SaskCulture Inc. Mr. Morgan is currently a Diefenbaker Policy Fellow at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
When: Tuesday May 31, 2011
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Category: Public Lecture
Location: Room 46, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan Campus
For more information, visit the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy website