U of S business school launches student-managed portfolio trust

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Nov. 3, 2011 2011-11-03-ESB The Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan launched the George S. Dembroski student-managed portfolio trust at an event held on campus this afternoon.

By University Communications

"The trust is one of the finest examples of a partnership between our students, the business community, and our professors," says Edwards School Dean Daphne Taras. "We are excited to watch the students' performance as they navigate the complex world of portfolio management, including timely and professional-quality reporting and managing governance issues."
In May 2011, Edwards announced a $1 million gift from retired Cameco board member George Dembroski, which was designated for student initiatives such as scholarships and a virtual trading floor. $300,000 of Dembroski's donation was put toward establishing the student-managed portfolio trust and inspired the development of two Investment Practicum courses that began this academic year.
Senior-level students enrolled in the courses and have been studying the theory of investment banking since September.
Students will now put theory into practice under the supervision of an Advisory Committee. With N. Murray and Heather Edwards' $200,000 contribution to the trust, students will be able to invest $500,000 of real money. A securities trading floor display will monitor changes in the student-managed portfolio and was unveiled at today's event.
"I'm very privileged to be a part of the start of something so monumental," says fourth year finance major Dean Hanson. "I hope that our progress will be something people are excited about and will talk about both inside the school and outside of it."
A portion of the income students earn will be reinvested into the portfolio and the remainder will go toward providing benefits to Edwards' students. Initiatives will include scholarships, sponsoring guest speakers and funding additional activities to improve the student learning experience.
For more information, contact:
Jessica Wallace, Advancement Officer
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan