U of S centre for health and safety in agriculture celebrates 25 years of healthy living

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - June 15, 2011 2011-06-08-AG The Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA) is celebrating 25 years of dedication to research and education in the health and safety of farmers and their families.

By University Communications
The centre was formed 25 years ago in response to a large number of farmers reporting lung problems due to exposure to grain dust, and the high incidence of farm related accidents and fatalities. The purpose of the centre is to conduct research, educate and spread knowledge in the area of health and safety for farmers, their families and rural residents.
The centre has hosted six international symposia attended by researchers from around the world, resulting in the publication of several books. The centre also established the Saskatchewan Agricultural Health and Safety Network, which now has more than 200 rural municipality members. CCHSA collaborates with more than 14 universities across Canada on research projects and has conducted research on topics such as hog barns, chicken barns in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, a Prairie Ecosystem Study, and Epidemiological studies on allergens and toxins.
Due to the centre's success, a National Agricultural Rural Industrial Hygiene Laboratory is being established, which will be part of the new Health Sciences building on campus opening in 2013. Space will also be dedicated to the centre in the new bio-medical building.
CCHSA will be holding a number of events throughout the year to celebrate its success and 25th anniversary.
Further information can be found at www.cchsa-ccssma.usask.ca.
For more information, contact:
Maura Gillis-Cipywnyk, Director, Institutional Advancement
Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture
University of Saskatchewan
Tel: (306) 966-8302
Email: maura.gillis@usask.ca