U of S enters into partnership with Yukon College

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Monday, Dec. 5, 2011 2011-12-01-OTHER The University of Saskatchewan and Yukon College entered into a partnership today that will enable the sharing of programs, research and other resources for the benefit of both institutions. University of Saskatchewan President Peter MacKinnon and Yukon College President Karen Barnes formalized the agreement by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the U of S this afternoon.

By University Communications

Through this collaboration, the two institutions are seeking to increase access to post-secondary education; increase the post-secondary education rates; increase the relevance of post-secondary; and share resources and work co-operatively to the maximum advantage of students in both regions. The MOU also confirms the priority both institutions place on responding to the needs of Aboriginal partners.
"Innovative partnerships like this mean expanded options for students, researchers and communities," said MacKinnon. "A student in the Yukon may now have access to a University of Saskatchewan program they wouldn't have otherwise - and of course the reverse is true as well. This partnership may also serve as a model for other regions and jurisdictions."
The partnership allows for collaboration between departments at either institution. The U of S' International Centre for Northern Governance and Development (ICNGD), which was instrumental in brokering the MOU, is already looking forward to joint programming options and plans to visit the College in January.
"We couldn't be happier to see this deal happen," said ICNGD's director, Greg Poelzer. "Partnerships like this are the key to maximizing resources and meeting demands. We'll be able to offer new programming as a result and Saskatchewan students—Northern students in particular—will benefit from expanded opportunities."
Photo of MOU signing available upon request.
For more information, please contact:
Colleen Cameron, Communications Co-ordinator
International Centre for Northern Governance and Development
University of Saskatchewan
Tel: (306) 966-1609
Email: colleen.cameron@usask.ca
Website: artsandscience.usask.ca/icngd