U of S hosts Northern Elder to foster appreciation for First Nations knowledge systems

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 21, 2011 2011-10-18-SENS The School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) at the U of S has invited a celebrated First Nations Elder, traditional healer and teacher from the Yukon to share knowledge with U of S students, faculty and staff as part of the School's Northern Elder-in-Residence program.

By University Communications
Elder Randall Tetlichi will host public presentations, lead faculty and staff seminars, teach classes and collaborate on research projects. He is in Saskatoon for three weeks.
"Randall's teachings are based on learning to value the ways that First Nations people come to know and understand the environment and the world around them. He does an excellent job of creating a space where all voices are heard with equal power," says M.J. Barrett, an assistant professor with SENS and the College of Education. "We hope the experience will be valuable for students, faculty and administrators who may have had limited opportunity to develop an understanding for how First Nations knowledge systems can inform scientific research."
Tetlichi is former chief of the Vuntut Gwitch'in First Nation and an instructor and cultural support worker at Yukon College in Whitehorse. He is highly regarded for his skills in traditional healing, communication and research methods within First Nations communities.
"I am really looking forward to teaching the U of S community how people communicate in the North, and the different ways of knowing about the environment, climate change, ecosystems and sustainability," says Tetlichi. "I am also going to talk about the individual and how each of us can make a difference by paying attention to the way we think, see, listen and talk with ourselves and each other. Instead of just co-existing, it is now time for all nations to exist with each other and depend on each other."
SENS is pleased to host Tetlichi in conjunction with the U of S International Centre for Northern Governance and Development, the College of Education, the Department of Geography and Planning, and the Canadian Light Source. For a complete schedule of his activities, visit www.usask.ca/sens.
For more information and to arrange interviews, contact:
Meagan Hinther
School of Environment and Sustainability
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-1019