U of S law team wins international award
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - April 1, 2011 2011-04-01-LAW The U of S Mediation Advocacy Moot Team, a group of students who compete in simulated legal trials, has won three awards in London, England at the International Academy of Dispute Resolution's 10th Annual International Law School Mediation Tournament, March 25-26, 2011.
By University Communications
The U of S Mediation Advocacy Moot Team
Six U of S College of Law students and their two coaches won an award for Outstanding New International Mediation Program, given to those selected as the best new programs at the competition. The team is composed of Gillian Gough, John Sanche, Kelly Canham, Luciella Longo, Markel Chernenkoff, Sabina Arulampalam, coach Kathryn Ford, QC, and assistant coach Glen Gardner.
Team members Gough, Sanche and Arulampalam were one of 10 teams to win Overall Outstanding Advocate/Client Team. Arulampalam also won one of 10 Overall Outstanding Individual Mediator awards. A total of 34 law teams from 23 law schools from around the world competed in the tournament, held at BPP Law School in London. Teams compete in groups of three and the U of S was represented by two teams.
These results cap off a successful year for U of S College of Law moot teams. The Jessup Moot Team won the much-coveted Spirit of the Jessup Award in Calgary in early March, distinguishing them as the team that best represents the true spirit of the competition. The Western Canada Moot Team won the national Sopinka Cup in Ottawa earlier this month, after winning the MacIntyre Cup at the western Canada regional level in Edmonton in February.
More information can be found at www.usask.ca/law.
For more information, contact:
Katherine Blau
U of S College of Law
(306) 966-1062