U of S-led research inventory now available from the Western Canadian Feed Innovation Network

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - November 3, 2011 2011-11-02-AG The Western Canadian Feed Innovation Network (WCFIN) at the University of Saskatchewan has recently compiled a research infrastructure inventory. This inventory provides researchers and industry with the information necessary to locate resources to begin experiments in Western Canada.

By University Communications
"As we've been building the networking of the Western Canadian feed capacity, understanding what is available and who to contact were two of the main questions from the industry members we were interviewing," said Colleen Christensen, executive director of the Feeds Innovation Institute. "The WCFIN research infrastructure inventory provides a brief overview of the capacity of facilities located in Western Canada and provides contact information. With this document, anyone interested in doing feed research can begin planning with a quick phone call or email."
The 67-page inventory includes all of the public and private labs in the four western provinces available for use for feeds research and the contact information necessary to initiate experiments. The document gives a brief overview of facilities and the types of research that can be conducted with available infrastructure.
While the WCFIN governance process is dependent largely on government and academic involvement, the feed industry also plays a role. Since mid-2010, the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC) has been represented on the WCFIN executive committee by its Ottawa-based executive director Graham Cooper.
"The majority of feed industry establishments in Canada do not have the resources needed to engage in the type of research offered through WCFIN," said Cooper. "For these organizations, a collaborative approach to the research challenge in partnership with WCFIN represents a potentially valuable alternative."
The WCFIN Research Infrastructure Inventory is free to download and is available at http://www.wcfin.ca/FeedResources.aspx.
About the WCFIN
The Western Canadian Feed Innovation Network mandate is to be the facilitators of the feed value chain in Western Canada. WCFIN exists to encourage collaboration, find connections and maximize the feed resources that exist in Western Canada. WCFIN is a research facilitation service developed by the Feeds Innovation Institute, a commercialization entity located within the College of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan.
For more information, contact:
Colleen Christensen, PhD, PAg
Executive Director, Feeds Innovation Institute
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-4154