U of S PhD candidate completes prestigious training at the Speiz Laboratory in Switzerland

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - January 27, 2011 2011-01-17-PH Isaac Asiamah, a PhD candidate with the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition at the U of S, has recently returned from a prestigious training opportunity at the Speiz Laboratory in the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports. Isaac spent four months at the laboratory and received training in the handling of chemical weapons-related materials, including water and air-sensitive chemicals, as well as training in toxicology and chemical safety.

By University Communications

Asiamah, originally from Ghana, is preparing novel compounds (combination of compounds) to investigate the toxicity of a naturally-occurring plant product. He is working with the Drug Design and Discovery Research group under Ed Krol, associate professor in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Asiamah was the only individual selected worldwide in 2010 for this specialized training. The training program runs within the scope of the International Co-operation and Assistance Programs for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
"Isaac's training at the Speiz Laboratory involved a very specialized area of research within medicinal chemistry, and his invitation to study in Switzerland reflects well on the excellence of his graduate education in the College," said David Hill, dean of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.
For more information, contact:
Heather Dawson, Advancement Officer
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
University of Saskatchewan
Tel: (306) 966-2502
Email: heather.dawson@usask.ca