U of S students host Canada's largest student-run conference

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Jan. 13, 2011 2011-01-06-PH University of Saskatchewan pharmacy students from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition have begun their Professional Development Week (PDW) 2011 Conference. The annual conference is being held in Saskatoon from Jan 12-15, 2011 at TCU Place.

By University Communications

"The students from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition are excited to welcome students from across Canada to what promises to be one of the best Professional Development Weeks to date," says Melanie Harding, U of S student and marketing co-ordinator for PDW 2011.
This year's motivational speaker is Catriona Le May Doan, two-time Olympic gold medalist and Saskatchewan Blue Cross spokesperson, who will be speaking about her journey in life and the challenges she has overcome to become the world's fastest speed skater.
David Hill, dean of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, said "We have an exceptionally active student body within our pharmacy undergraduate program in the college. The PDW planning team has organized a number of sessions that address current issues of interest to students in the areas of clinical skills enhancement, pharmacy practice development and changes to the health care system that will be important to pharmacists.
"Graduates of the pharmacy program at the University of Saskatchewan have been leaders within the profession for many years and the 2011 PDW conference is another opportunity for students from the other pharmacy schools in Canada to experience the 'Saskatchewan way,'" said Hill.
The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan is dedicated to fostering knowledge creation through excellence in teaching and research that will improve the health of individuals and communities within Saskatchewan and beyond.
PDW 2011 is presented by the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI) and the University of Saskatchewan's College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. More than 600 pharmacy students from across the country are expected to attend. This year's conference sponsor is Saskatchewan Blue Cross.
For more information, contact:
Heather Dawson
Advancement Officer
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
University of Saskatchewan
Tel: (306) 966-2502Email: heather.dawson@usask.ca
Melanie Harding
Marketing Co-ordinator
PDW 2011
Email: melanie.harding@usask.ca