U of S to co-host conference on Canada's new grain market

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 8, 2011 2011-12-02-AG On December 12 and 13 the University of Saskatchewan Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics will be hosting a conference on issues arising from passage of Bill C-18, the bill to end the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly.

By University Communications
The purpose of the conference is to lay out key issues farmers, agribusiness firms and government will face in the grain marketing, handling and transportation system that will emerge after the passage of Bill C-18. With the changes that are under way in the grain industry, the status quo will not be viable. All the participants in the grain system will have to respond and adapt. The conference will examine the areas most likely to see change and will provide specific suggestions on how industry participants can respond.
The conference, Operating Successfully in a New Grain Marketing Environment: Issues Facing Farmers, Agribusiness and Government, is also supported by the University of Manitoba, University of Lethbridge, University of Alberta and the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
Conference sessions include:
* How would a voluntary Canadian Wheat Board operate?
* What is the most effective design for futures markets in wheat, durum and barley? What are the fundamentals of an efficient futures market?
* What will happen to rail freight rates and level of service?
* How would grain-related trade disputes be addressed?
* How would wheat quality be affected and managed?
* How do we effectively use the ports of Churchill and Prince Rupert?
* How would producer cars and short line railways be used in the new system?
* How will grain logistics and crisis management be handled?
December 12 and 13, 2011
Saskatoon Inn and Conference Centre
2002 Airport Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
More information including agenda and registration is available at the conference website, www.kis.usask.ca/GrainConference.html
For more information, contact:
Professor Emeritus Gary Storey
College of Agriculture and Bioresources
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 374-1693