U of S introduces mass alert tool for emergency use

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - March 12, 2012 2012-03-06-OTHER The University of Saskatchewan has introduced USafe, a mass alert tool to inform the university community during emergencies.

By University Communications

USafe will notify the campus community—all students, faculty and staff—in emergency situations through email as well as text messages for those who subscribe to that option.
"USafe is only for emergency situations or disasters when there may be an immediate threat to safety or security," said David Hannah, associate vice-president student affairs.
USafe has gone through initial testing and is available for use, explained Hannah, who is Co-Chair of the U of S Operational Risk Management Committee.
"It is our hope, obviously, that the use of USafe is rarely required. But having it in place and ensuring broad participation better prepares us to act in case an emergency does happen," he said. "By being prepared to communicate to our large campus community in a timely manner, we will be better positioned to minimize any potential negative consequences."
For more information, contact:
Mark Ferguson
University Communications
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-1851