University of Saskatchewan projects coincide with Truth and Reconciliation Commission

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - June 21, 2012 2012-06-17-OTHER The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) honours the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). As an institution of higher learning and research, our highest concern is enabling individuals to contribute to their communities.  Our mission includes supporting our students and staff with respect to their own residential school experiences, and supporting all people, Aboriginal and others, to engage with the legacies of the past and the issues of the present in order to make our communities better places for all. The U of S was founded to support the development of the province based on values such as openness and respect.  We bring those values to our work today in promoting intercultural engagement and assisting First Nations and Métis communities.  We are proud to support the work of truth and reconciliation through our educational and scholarly activities.

By University Communications

U of S contributions to the TRC national event include two major projects:
First, the memorial photography exhibit Pictorial Histories of the Indian Residential Schools in Saskatchewan was created by the students in Native Studies 430.3 class (Issues in Cultural Preservation) under the instruction of Winona Wheeler, associate professor and department head of native studies, College of Arts and Science. In line with the university's mission to provide undergraduate research and experiential learning, the students in this class created this exhibit to honour Indian residential school survivors, descendants and their communities. The exhibit consists of 20 poster panels representing the lived experiences of students at 20 Indian industrial and residential schools in Saskatchewan. They will be on display at the TRC national event held at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon from June 21-24.
Second, a current showcase entitled Knowledge Keepers: Authorship, Artistry, Archives is on display on the second floor of the Murray Library. The display highlights the University Library's collections and resources on the topic of Indian residential schools and is open to the public from now until December. The goal of the display is to help educate our campus community about the Indian residential school experience, the mandate and work of the TRC and the process of reconciliation. In addition to the library's holdings, the Indigenous Studies Portal ( has over 30,000 full text online resources about First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, their history and culture, including their Indian residential school experience. 
In addition to our educational and scholarly contributions, U of S staff, students and faculty members are participating and volunteering at the TRC national event.
The U of S acknowledges the intergenerational impacts of the residential schools and appreciates the individual experiences and legacies on the survivors, their parents, and their descendants. Through our Aboriginal engagement priority of our third integrated plan entitled Promise and Potential, we are committed to supporting Aboriginal students, educating the public, and supporting the TRC mandate by ensuring that all faculty, staff and students develop an appreciation for the First Nation and Métis experiences in Saskatchewan and beyond.
For more information, contact:
Mark Ferguson
University Communications
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-1851