Community engagement workshop focuses on ethical health research and aboriginal communities

Saskatoon - Saskatchewan researchers and their community partners will share experiences and best practices, as well as learn about the latest ethics requirements for Aboriginal research, at a Community Engagement Workshop on October 25th, 2013 at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S).

By University Communications
The workshop is presented by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF), in partnership with the Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre, the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region, the First Nations University of Canada, the University of Regina, and the U of S.
Case studies about successes and challenges, from both the researcher and the community perspective, will be shared. Presenters for the day include Dr. Carrie Bourassa (First Nations University of Canada) who will speak on ethics in Indigenous Peoples' health research, and Dr. Colleen Dell (U of S) who will share her experiences working in partner communities.
The workshop will include interactive and collaborative learning, group sessions and case studies, and an overview of ethics requirements for health research in Aboriginal communities. With the financial support of SIGA, the workshop will help inform researchers about strategies, processes and methods for effective community engagement.
"SHRF is very pleased to be able to work with our partners on this Community Engagement Workshop," says June Bold, CEO of SHRF. "Aboriginal Peoples' health was identified as a priority in Saskatchewan's provincial Health Research Strategy in 2004. Since then, we've invested over $2.4 million in Aboriginal Peoples' health research. In 2012, our Aboriginal Health Research Advisory Panel identified priorities, potential funding mechanisms, and strategies to move those priorities forward, and this event was one of those suggestions."
A report summarizing the day will be posted to SHRF's website:
About SHRF
The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation is the provincial agency that funds and facilitates health research in Saskatchewan. SHRF works in partnership with other organizations locally, provincially, and nationally to foster leading-edge research.
The IPHRC is a joint initiative of the First Nations University of Canada, University of Regina, and University of Saskatchewan committed to Indigenous health research in the province. IPHRC is a network of highly skilled and respected researchers whose work examines the complex interaction of factors that contribute to the health status of First Nations and Métis people in Saskatchewan, with a goal of improving health and well-being.
About the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) Research Ethics Office
The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) Research Ethics Office is responsible for research ethics education, review and compliance for research with people and animals conducted under the auspices of the U of S. The U of S Behavioral and Biomedical Research Ethics Boards also provide ethics review for a number of health regions in the province. Aboriginal Peoples: Engagement and Scholarship is identified as a signature area for the U of S.
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For more information, contact:
June M. Bold, CEO
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF)
(306) 975-1680
Cassandra Ozog
Research Officer
Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre (IPHRC)
(306) 337-2437
Note to media: Both the researchers and community partners are available for interviews upon reque