Council approves in principle University of Saskatchewan "TransformUS" initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- January 25, 2013 2013-01-11-OTHER Saskatoon - At their monthly meeting today, University of Saskatchewan Council approved in principle the undertaking of a process for program prioritization, by a strong majority. Council is a representative elected body responsible for overseeing and directing the academic affairs of the university.

By University Communications

"TransformUS is unlike anything the university has ever undertaken," said Jay Kalra, chair of University Council. "By supporting and engaging in this process, University Council endorses the revitalization of our academic offerings."
TransformUS is a process in which all academic and administrative programs supported by the operating budget will be reviewed simultaneously and equally against criteria that will be developed by the task forces. Following receipt of the reports of the task forces, decisions will be made to invest resources, make no changes, or eliminate or reduce programs or activities that rank as having lower priority according to these criteria.
The approved motion specifies that the academic task force will include faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students. Individuals will be nominated to the task forces through an open process and members will be appointed in consultation with the leadership of University Council.
"We are pleased to have the support and partnership of University Council as we embark on this process to transform our university in ways that will make us competitive in the Canadian post-secondary environment," said Provost and Vice- President Academic Brett Fairbairn. "Our goal through this process is to ensure we are allocating resources appropriately to provide the best educational opportunities for our students, as well as supporting our faculty and staff with the resources they need to be successful in their work."
Over the course of 2013, two task forces will be responsible for leading this initiative. The Academic Program Transformation Task Force will set criteria and review all academic programs offered through the university. The Support Service Transformation Task Force will set criteria and review the administrative support programs both within the academic units and administrative units.
TransformUS is targeted to achieve $20-25 million in savings annually once fully implemented. Of this, a minimum of $5 million will be made available for new investments in the highest-ranking academic programs and administrative services.
For more information and updates throughout the project, please visit
For more information, contact:
Gillian Galambos, Communications Co-ordinator
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-6559