New legacy fund grants loans to U of S graduate student entrepreneurs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 17, 2013 SASKATOON- The University of Saskatchewan Graduate Students' Association (GSA) has partnered with the Wilson Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence and the Industry Liaison Office to create a GSA Legacy Fund to help graduate students interested in starting their own business.

By University Communications
For the next three years, two low-interest loans of $10,000 each will be granted to graduate students. One loan will be awarded through the Wilson Centre's i3 Idea Challenge, and the other through the Industry Liaison Office's Tech Venture Challenge.
"Many thanks to all who brought it to fruition, this is a testament to the entrepreneurial and creative spirits of graduate students," said Ehimai Ohiozebau, president of the GSA. "It reaffirms the GSA's position that graduate students play a role as key drivers of the economy of Saskatchewan. I hope the GSA Legacy Fund will provide the impetus for other initiatives to support the entrepreneurial and creative skills of graduate students."
Graduate students will be able to apply for the loans by entering either the i3 Idea Challenge or the Tech Venture Challenge. Everyone who enters will be given the option online to apply for the loan, with winners chosen by the judges of each respective business planning competition.
For more information on the Wilson Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence, please visit or for more information on the Tech Venture Challenge, please visit,
For more information, contact:
Ehimai Ohiozebau, President
Graduate Students' Association
University of Saskatchewan