U of S launches Aboriginal Initiatives site as part of engagement strategy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -March 22, 2013 2013-03-28-AR Saskatoon - With the launch of a new Aboriginal initiatives website, the U of S is taking one more step towards its commitment to engage Aboriginal people.

By University Communications

Wasacase-Lafferty, director of First Nation and Métis engagement at the U of S, said the end goal of the commitment is to facilitate partnerships in Aboriginal communities and increase the participation and success of Aboriginal people in all aspects of the university experience.
"Aboriginal youth are the fastest growing segment of the population in the country, and Saskatchewan has one of the highest populations of Aboriginal people in Canada," she said. "It is fitting, for the sake of our shared future, that Aboriginal engagement is a priority for the U of S."
The website, as one part of the engagement strategy, Wasacase-Lafferty explained, is a place that brings together all of the university's Aboriginal initiatives, lists all of the events, resources and programs affiliated with the university's Aboriginal academic and community activities, and outlines partnership activities.
It also provides an overview of the of the English River facilities, located on a First Nation reserve. It is a centre for prospective students, researchers, employees, and members of First Nation and Métis communities to learn about the university and its programming for employment, research and business development opportunities.
"This is a one-stop shop for all this information," she explained. "Having a main link on the main U of S site to a single site that houses all of this with focus and clarity, highlights the prominence of this priority at the university."
Another unique aspect of the site, she continued, is the Aboriginal Engagement Map, an interactive map showing what Aboriginal activities, academic and cultural programs, services and events are happening on campus and in other Saskatchewan communities.
"The engagement and scholarship of Aboriginal People is significant to not just our university and Saskatchewan, but to all of Canada and beyond," Wasacase-Lafferty said.
Better understanding of the issues, values, identities and experiences of Aboriginal people can help address social and economic disparities and gaps in health and well-being, and prepare a new generation of Aboriginal youth, she explained.
"Having a diverse student body, diverse faculty and staff creates diverse experiences and knowledge and that's really important."
Visit the new site at http://aboriginal.usask.ca.
For more information, contact:
Wilna Masuskapoe
First Nation and Métis Advancement
(306) 978-8550