U of S launches next phase of TransformUS initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -April 2, 2013 2013-04-02 Saskatoon - University of Saskatchewan Provost Brett Fairbairn and Acting Vice-President Finance and Resources, Greg Fowler announced the TransformUS draft criteria, weightings and categorization system in a letter to the campus community April 1.

By University Communications

TransformUS is a process in which all academic and support service programs supported by the operating budget will be reviewed, prioritized and based on this, decisions will be implemented.

Over the course of the next month, the task forces responsible for leading the review of all academic and support programs and services at the University of Saskatchewan will consult with the campus community to finalize the criteria, weightings and categorization system they will use. The task forces' initial thinking was provided to the campus community and the criteria, weightings and categorization system of the task forces will also be presented to University Council for consideration at its April 18 meeting. Â

Following this period for feedback, the task forces will finalize their criteria based on all input received and then begin their work with colleges, schools and units to collect data on all programs and services. This is expected to begin in late April.

The campus community is being encouraged to provide their feedback on the criteria, weightings and a categorization system by April 22 by noon through an online, password protected website.


"The work these task forces have already begun to undertake will transform our university," said Fairbairn and Fowler in their letter. "The result will be a stronger university—more focused, more accountable, and ultimately more successful in fulfilling our mission of teaching and research, and our priorities such as research intensity and Aboriginal engagement."

TransformUS is targeted to achieve $20-25 million in savings annually once fully implemented. Of this, a minimum of $5 million will be made available for new investments in the highest-ranking academic programs and administrative services.

For more information and updates throughout the project, please visit www.usask.ca/finances.

About TransformUS

TransformUS, under the direction of President Ilene Busch-Vishniac, is a process in which all academic and support service programs supported by the operating budget will be reviewed simultaneously and equally against criteria that will be developed by two task forces. The Academic Program Transformation Task Force will set criteria and review all academic programs offered through the university. The Support Service Transformation Task Force will set criteria and review the administrative support programs within both the academic units and the administrative units. Both task forces will provide a prioritization report to the President's Office by November 30, 2013. Following receipt of the reports of the task forces, decisions will be made by the governing bodies of the university to invest resources, make no changes, or eliminate or reduce programs or activities that rank as having lower priority according to these criteria.

Academic Program Transformation Task Force draft criteria

Weighting (totaling 100%)

History, development and expectations of the program: This criterion will focus on both historical factors and expectations regarding future prospects for the program.


External demand for the program: This criterion will focus on factors related to the level of external interest and opportunities available to the program.


Internal demand for the program: This criterion will focus on the demonstrated internal interest in the offerings of the program.


Quality of program inputs and processes: This criterion will focus on the various inputs (students, faculty, equipment) and processes (pedagogy) employed by the program in meeting its service objectives.


Quality of program outcomes: This criterion will focus on the relative success of the program's accomplishments.


Size, scope and productivity of the program: This criterion will address the relative size of the program in terms of credit-hour productions, students served, research and creative scholarships produced and the breadth of the curriculum.


Revenue and other resources generated by the program: This criterion will focus on the revenues that are attributable to the program's efforts.


Costs and other expenses associated with the program: This criterion will focus on the expenses (including assigned overhead*) incurred by the program in conducting its activities.


Impact, justification and overall essentiality of the program: This criterion will allow the program to describe its importance to the institution and the value it creates through its efforts.


Opportunity analysis of the program: This criterion will allow the program to describe the additional contributions it could make with specified additional resourcing.


*Overhead refers to costs attributed to central budgets that provide benefit to all programs and services across the university, such as utilities, insurance and licensing fees.

Support Service Transformation Task Force draft criteria

Weighting (totaling 100%)

Importance to the University of Saskatchewan: This criterion will focus on the overall importance of the program to the success of the institution.


Internal demand: This criterion will focus on the utilization of the services and reliance on the program's efforts.


External demand: This criterion will focus on factors related to level of external (outside of the institution) interest in the services provided by the program, as well as external mandates influencing the program's efforts.


Quality: This criterion will focus on the quality of the services and efforts of the program.


Cost effectiveness: This criterion will focus on the expenses (including assigned overhead*) incurred by the program in providing its services and conducting its activities.


Opportunity analysis: This criterion will allow the program to describe the additional contributions it could make with specified additional resourcing.


*Overhead refers to costs attributed to central budgets that provide benefit to all programs and services across the university, such as utilities, insurance and licensing fees.

Based on results, academic programs and support services will be placed in quintiles in each of the following categories:

  1. Candidate for enhanced resourcing

  2. Maintain with current resourcing

  3. Retain with reduced resourcing

  4. Reconfigure for efficiency/effectiveness

  5. Candidate for phase out, subject to further review


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Robertson, Communications Officer, Institutional Planning and Assessmen

(306) 966-7815Â Â
