U of S launches student survey to determine how students perceive the campus environment

Saskatoon - The University of Saskatchewan is launching its first student population survey on campus. The goal of the survey is to determine how welcome, supported and respected students feel at the U of S.

By Jennifer Thoma
The Campus Climate Survey will ask students a variety of questions related to personal experiences on campus, perceptions of the campus community and participation in diversity-related activities.

"The campus climate is important for a variety of reasons and has been shown to have an effect on students," said Troy Harkot, director of institutional effectiveness at the University of Saskatchewan. "The environment can influence learning outcomes and attitudes about staying in school, and a diverse student body has been shown to enhance successes of students."

Promise and Potential: The Third Integrated Plan, a key multi-year planning document for the university, indicates two of the strategic goals of the U of S are to "provide a safe and welcoming environment in attitude, support services and infrastructure" and to "carry out efforts to encourage and support activities that lead to the development of a more diverse and inclusive community." Based on these goals and the recognition of an increasingly diverse campus community, the first step is to get a comprehensive picture of what it is like to be a student at the U of S, said Harkot.

Results of the survey, to be made available in spring 2014, will provide the U of S with a clear picture of the current campus climate for students, provide a baseline for gauging perceptions and experiences of students in the future, and provide immediate, short-term and long-term actions.

"We are eager to see the results of the Campus Climate Survey, giving us an added resource to inform future planning and initiatives at the university," added Harkot.

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 For more information, contact:

Jennifer Robertson

Communications Officer

Institutional Planning and Assessment

306- 966-7815
