U of S professor has been nominated the 67th president of the National Academy of Arbitrators

Allen Ponak, special lecturer in the College of Law and adjunct professor in the Edwards School of Business at the U of S, has been nominated as the 67th president of the National Academy of Arbitrators.  He will become only the fourth Canadian president in the academy's history.

By Jennifer Thoma
The National Academy of Arbitrators is the leading professional association of neutral labour and employment arbitrators in United States and Canada. Academy members arbitrate high profile public and private sector disputes in industries as diverse as airlines, railroads, education, health care, professional sports, television, and Hollywood. With stringent admission standards that emphasize experience and ethics, membership is restricted to the most respected arbitrators in North America. Ponak will assume the presidency in May 2015.

"I am honoured that the National Academy of Arbitrators has nominated me to this prestigious position," said Ponak. "I am excited about sharing my knowledge and experience here at the University of Saskatchewan and everywhere I go."

Ponak has been appointed to arbitrate and mediate thousands of disputes in all major industries in western Canada and the far north, and has published more than a 100 research and professional articles on labour-management relations

"Allen's nomination is extremely well deserved and throws a positive spotlight on the College of Law and the Edwards School of Business," said Sanjeev Anand, dean of the College of Law. "He possesses a sterling reputation as a practicing arbitrator as well as an impressive academic history and publication record in the field. The result has been a learning experience for our students that is unrivalled."

Since arriving in Saskatchewan, Ponak has helped establish a Saskatoon chapter of the Canadian Industrial Relations Association. The association fosters education and dialogue in labour relations. He teaches a course in arbitration for law and business students, and has established a $40,000 research and education fund for visiting classroom speakers in labour relations. He has an active arbitration practice in Saskatchewan and recently arbitrated the high-profile dispute between the City of Regina and its firefighters.

For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media relations

University of Saskatchewan

