U of S TransformUS task forces release information collection templates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - July 3, 2013 SASKATOON - The templates that will be used to evaluate all programs at the University of Saskatchewan as part of TransformUS were released to the campus community on July 3.

By University Communications
The TransformUS task forces, which have been leading the process of program prioritization, finalized two templates - one for academic programs and the other for support services - following a month-long pilot period during which time ten programs at the U of S completed the draft version of each template and provided feedback. Additional comments were solicited from across campus and incorporated into the final templates that colleges, department and administrative units will use to submit information to the task forces.
"On behalf of both task forces, we are thankful to the programs and services which agreed to be involved in the pilot process and to all who provided their feedback on the draft templates," said Academic Transformation Task Force co-chair Beth Bilson. "Based on this feedback and improvements made to the templates, both task forces believe we have a set of questions that will allow us to successfully prioritize our university's academic programs and support services."
"Both task forces are looking forward to receiving completed templates next month and beginning the process of prioritization," added Bob Tyler, Support Service Transformation Task Force co-chair.
The deadline to have the templates finished for support services is August 16, 2013, and August 30, 2013, for academic programs. Following the receipt of completed templates, the task forces will meet independently to discuss the prioritization of all programs and support services, concluding with a report of recommendations to President Ilene Busch-Vishniac by November 30, 2013.
For more information and updates throughout the project, please visit www.usask.ca/finances.
About TransformUS
TransformUS, under the direction of President Ilene Busch-Vishniac, is a process in which all academic and support service programs supported by the operating budget will be reviewed simultaneously and equally against criteria that will be developed by two task forces. The Academic Program Transformation Task Force will set criteria and review all academic programs offered through the university. The Support Service Transformation Task Force will set criteria and review the administrative support programs within both the academic units and the administrative units. Both task forces will provide a prioritization report to the President's Office by November 30, 2013. Following receipt of the reports of the task forces, decisions will be made by the governing bodies of the university to invest resources, make no changes, or eliminate or reduce programs or activities that rank as having lower priority according to these criteria.
TransformUS is targeted to achieve $20-25 million in savings annually once fully implemented. Of this, a minimum of $5 million will be made available for new investments in the highest-ranking academic programs and administrative services.
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations Specialist
Advancement and Community Engagement