University of Saskatchewan closed due to City of Saskatoon emergency water repair

Saskatoon - At about 10 am October 21, the U of S was notified by the City of Saskatoon about an emergency water repair. The repair work has caused the university to experience low or no water pressure in most buildings across campus.

By University Communications

The emergency repair was a severe water main break on College Drive and has affected the university campus, north of College Drive and parts of Innovation Place. The university was informed at about 8 am that the city was working to resolve the issue. At about 9:30 am the city informed the U of S Facilities Management Division that the issue was more significant than originally thought. The university's Crisis Management Team convened and for safety reasons, recommended suspension of classes and non-critical services. The president made the decision to close the campus until the situation is resolved.
Water pressure has been temporarily restored, but the university has been informed it may take several days before this is permanently repaired. The university will continue to monitor the situation and work with the City of Saskatoon regarding the timing of the repairs in order to minimize further disruptions to campus.
We have been assured by the City of Saskatoon that the university's water supply is safe.
An update on this situation will be sent to the campus community later in the day about the status of evening classes and events on campus.
Updates will be available online at
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media Relations
University of Saskatchewan