University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine to host Accreditation Team

SASKATOON - The following statement was issued March 6, 2013 by Lou Qualtiere, acting dean, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan: "On March 12 and 13, 2013, the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine will host a survey team from the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools/ Liaison Committee on Medical Education (CACMS/LCME). All North American medical schools operate under 139 standards of accreditation set by CACMS/LCME and visits by accreditors are a regular process for all schools.

By University Communications
SASKATOON - The following statement was issued March 6, 2013 by Lou Qualtiere, acting dean, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan:
"On March 12 and 13, 2013, the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine will host a survey team from the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools/ Liaison Committee on Medical Education (CACMS/LCME). All North American medical schools operate under 139 standards of accreditation set by CACMS/LCME and visits by accreditors are a regular process for all schools.
The purpose of this visit is to evaluate the college's progress towards compliance on 10 standards that were cited in July 2011 as being in partial or substantial non-compliance.
The University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine is currently fully accredited but has been on warning of probation since July 2011in order to address outstanding items.
The survey team will hold a series of closed meetings with university and college administrators, faculty, students and staff in both Saskatoon and Regina College of Medicine locations. Collectively, the college is required to demonstrate sufficient progress toward compliance with accreditation standards in order for CACMS/LCME to lift the current warning of probation. Insufficient progress could result in a continuation of the warning of probation or probation.
CACMS/LCME Rules of Procedure for such visits are very strictly prescribed and do not permit attendance from anyone not directly connected to the survey team or the institution in question.
The top priority for the university and the college is ensuring students get the best possible medical education. The college is working closely with university leaders, the health region and government to address the compliance issues and to realize a new vision for the college.
The outcome of the visit and the effect on the college's current warning of probation status will not be known until summer 2013 at the earliest. The university will communicate publicly once the results are known."
For more information, please see the attached backgrounder. Dr. Qualtiere will be available to speak with media on Thursday March 7 at 9:00 am.
To arrange an interview or for more information, contact:
Laura Herman, Communications, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
(306) 262-6059