University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine to provide progress update

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - April 17, 2013 2013-04-12 SASKATOON - The following statement was issued April 17, 2013 by Lou Qualtiere, acting dean, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan:

By University Communications

"The first progress report on the implementation plan toward A New Vision for the College of Medicine will be presented at University Council on April 18.
Key components of the update include:
Accreditation: On March 12 and 13, 2013, the College of Medicine hosted a survey team from the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools/ Liaison Committee on Medical Education (CACMS/LCME). All North American medical schools operate under 139 standards of accreditation set by CACMS/LCME and visits by accreditors are a regular process for all schools. The outcome of the visit and the effect on the college's current warning of probation status will not be known until summer 2013 at the earliest. The university will communicate publicly once the results are known.
Research: Dr. Colum Smith has been appointed interim Vice-Dean of Research, fulfilling one of the commitments made in A New Vision. Later this month, a draft research strategy for the college will be released for discussion and decisions on future research directions for the college. The final implementation plan for renewal in the college will be significantly informed by the research plan.
Dean's Advisory Committee (DAC): This group continues to meet regularly to oversee the various working groups that have been established as part of the renewal process in the college. Recommendations and findings from the working groups will be considered by the DAC and used to inform the final implementation plan. Four new working groups have been established, including: distributed medical education governance (as mandated in A New Vision), unified department heads, faculty engagement and biomedical sciences.
This update builds on the unanimous approval of the document entitled A New Vision for the College of Medicine at University Council in December 2012. Our aspiration is that the College of Medicine be a foundation within the provincial health system that works with its partners to produce excellent doctors, recruit and retain outstanding faculty and physicians, and generate innovative research which will further enhance the reputation of the school and the university.
We have made several important steps towards a renewed and reinvigorated college, and we will keep the momentum going. University Council will receive another update in June 2013, with a full implementation plan due to be submitted to University Council in August 2013. All renewal details are available online at"
Dr. Qualtiere will be available to speak with media following the University Council meeting on Thursday, April 18.
To arrange an interview or for more information, contact:
Laura Herman
College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 262-6059