University of Saskatchewan consults on emerging vision

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 9, 2013 Saskatoon - University of Saskatchewan President, Ilene Busch-Vishniac announced today through a campus-wide memo that she and her senior leadership team will consult broadly over the next several months, to complete a revitalized, focused and ambitious university vision that will influence all university planning and decisions for decades to come.

By University Communications
"We are a very different institution today than we were when our last vision was written and we are operating in a different landscape than we were even 10 years ago. A new university vision will guide us into this new landscape and I am looking to the entire campus community and beyond to ensure our chosen path has considered all input," said Busch-Vishniac.
Ilene Busch-Vishniac became the University of Saskatchewan's 9th president on July 1, 2012. During her first year as president, she made a point of connecting with faculty, staff and students from across campus asking what the U of S does well and what it is not doing so well, and where people think the university should be headed. She then worked with the university's senior leaders to develop a draft vision document that the president describes as "very much a work in progress." The emerging vision is currently titled "Vision 2025: From Spirit to Action", a title Busch-Vishniac says is also up for comment.
The president will seek feedback online, through the university's governance structures, through town halls and other public meetings, and through targeted external interactions.
"I do not anticipate creating a document that reflects all interests and all perspectives, but I do expect to have the benefit of considering all those who wish to be heard," said Busch-Vishniac.
The consultations are expected to take place over the fall and winter months, with the vision complete in the spring. The draft vision document is available on the president's website at
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Thoma
Media relations
University of Saskatchewan