University of Saskatchewan workforce planning begins with reductions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Jan. 14, 2013 2013-01-05-OTHER The University of Saskatchewan is reducing its workforce to help address a significant projected operating budget deficit. Approximately 40 employees will receive layoff notices over the next three weeks with more job losses planned for April.

By University Communications

Associate Vice-President of Human Resources Barb Daigle said the job losses will affect unionized and non-unionized employees in administrative and support positions across campus. The January layoffs are expected to save the organization $2.3 million per year. The university currently employs more than 7,500 people.
The U of S is projecting a $44.5-million annual deficit by 2016 in its operating budget in which salaries and benefits account for about 75 per cent of total expenses. "It is unrealistic to think that we can address such a large deficit without making changes to our workforce," said Daigle, "but we are committed to making changes that are strategic, sustainable and will ensure all jobs on campus are aligned with the university's teaching, research and outreach priorities."
There will be no freeze on hiring while the university carries out changes and implements a longer-term workforce strategy, she said, but new hires will be carefully considered and focused in priority areas. "Strategic workforce planning that involves leaders in all colleges and units on campus will ensure the right people with the right knowledge, skills and experience are in the right positions to focus on the university's ambitious goals," she explained.
Daigle said workforce changes on this scale necessitated by the projected budget deficit will be difficult for the campus community but added a great deal of effort is going into transition support for those given notice of layoff, and those employees who remain.
The U of S is taking a "no stone unturned" approach to operating budget adjustments. Many administrative processes are being streamlined to create efficiencies and savings, and the university will continue to evaluate all programs - both administrative and academic - for efficiency, effectiveness and alignment with institutional priorities.
For more information, contact:
Gillian Galambos
Communications Co-ordinator
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-6559