U of S launches chair in power systems engineering

A new chair in the College of Engineering will look to strengthen the power and energy industry in Saskatchewan and beyond.

By Jennifer Thoma
The SaskPower Research Chair in Power Systems Engineering was announced at a news conference and celebration earlier today. Tony Chung, professor in the College of Engineering was named the the inaugural chair.

"As SaskPower Chair, Chung will be working to advance academic activities and applied research in power systems engineering development in the province," said Georges Kipouros, dean of the College of Engineering.

The $3.5 million to fund the chair comes from SaskPower and supports the chair position, laboratory improvements, scholarships, research and curriculum development related to power systems engineering.

"By working to make sure that the teaching in the classroom matches the needs of the business, future graduates will be able to hit the ground running with all the training and knowledge they need to be a valuable part of SaskPower's business from day one," said Minister Responsible for Energy and Resources Bill Boyd.

The funding will support renovations, currently underway, to enhance power and energy technology laboratories in the College of Engineering. The laboratory improvements¾including the purchase of new, more energy and space-efficient equipment¾will allow students to participate in a greater number and range of experiments. The number of lab stations has been increased from six to 14, allowing for smaller student group sizes while accommodating increasing enrollment in electrical engineering. The improvements increase the level of hands-on experience available to students, benefiting their careers and the industries in which they ultimately will work.

Before joining the U of S, Chung was an associate professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and has previously worked in Powertech Labs, Inc., at the University of Alberta. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in electrical engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Among his research interests are smart grids and renewable energy, and power system stability and control. His research has generated 180 publications, and has also resulted in new commercial software packages developed for power system analysis.

Power systems engineering is a subfield of energy engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and the electrical devices connected to such systems including generators, motors and transformers.


For more information, contact:

Kate Blau
Communications Officer, College of Engineering

-306- 966-7294


Tyler Hopson, SaskPower

Phone: 306-566-3167 (Regina)

Cell: 306-536-2886
