Canadian Canola Growers Association invest $5 million in ag policy research

Agricultural policy research at the University of Saskatchewan received a $5 million boost on Sept. 17 from the Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) to examine areas including international trade, transportation, labour, crop innovations and issues specific to the canola sector.

By Jennifer Thoma
"Agriculture policy decisions have a dramatic impact on the day-to-day operation of our farms," said CCGA President Brett Halstead, who farms near Nokomis, Saskatchewan. "While ag policy may not be the main topic of conversation during harvest or seeding, it is an essential foundation that impacts the economic, agronomic, social and environmental sustainability of our farms."

The investment is aimed at supporting efforts of researchers in the U of S College of Agriculture and Bioresources as they examine the foundational elements of one of the province's most valuable industries. It will also create opportunities for students.

"This gift will support both graduate and undergraduate-level teaching and mentorship, and will help build strong partnerships among our college and industry stakeholders as we work to identify important policy issues," said Bill Brown, head of the Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics.

Saskatchewan is a leader in agriculture production, export and innovation, and agriculture policy is an important foundation for all facets of the industry. Both CCGA and the college expressed their hope that the new funding will help train future policy leaders, and that the knowledge borne of research will support the agricultural economy in Canada and the world.

The College of Agriculture and Bioresources continues to build on a legacy of co-operative partnerships and innovative research in its pivotal role in the development of the agriculture and food industries in Saskatchewan. With a proven record as an international leader in applied research and scholarship, the college actively pursues knowledge across a wide range of scientific and social domains, from food and bio-product sciences, environment, ecology to community and sustainable production systems.



For more information, contact:


Brittany Stevens

College of Agriculture and Bioresources
