College of Pharmacy and Nutrition launches Medication Assessment Centre

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) has launched a new service offering patients a second opinion on their prescriptions.

By Jennifer Thoma
The Medication Assessment Centre is an educational resource where faculty and students consult with patients on their prescriptions to provide optimal care. It is currently one of two programs of its kind in Canada.

The Centre started as pilot project in 2010 as part of a student's masters thesis. The success of that project prompted the creation of a full-time service offered through the college, which officially opened in February. Since then, about 150 patients have had their medications assessed at the Centre.

Patients can be referred to the Medication Assessment Centre by their health care providers (family doctors, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, physiotherapists, etc.) or they can self-refer. People are encouraged to consider booking an appointment for themselves, family, or friends who are taking five or more medications, are experiencing drug related side effects, who are having trouble remembering to take their medication or are taking them incorrectly, have chronic conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic pain) or who have multiple drug related questions.

The Centre pharmacists do not dispense medication and make no changes to the patient's medication regimen. Instead, they review the patient's health and medication history to ensure they are taking the right medication, and answer any questions the patient may have about their prescriptions.

If they feel a change is necessary, they consult with the patient's referring physician or nurse practitioner.

"As a practicing pharmacist, I see the value that a service like this will bring not only to patients, but to other health care practitioners as well," said Derek Jorgenson, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and director.

"The Medication Assessment Centre is a great resource for any practitioner who is trying to optimize drug therapy for their patients."

Additionally, pharmacy students will work alongside faculty to learn first-hand the consultation process between pharmacists and their patients, gaining valuable clinical experience early in their academic career.

"Not only is this a valuable service for members of the community, but it's also a great learning opportunity for our students," said Kishor Wasan, Professor and Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

"By participating in faculty-supervised interactions with real patients, students will more adequately be prepared for real-world experience in a clinical setting, and will integrate quickly into the multidisciplinary, collaborative healthcare system upon graduation."

The Centre is located on the third floor of the E-wing in the Health Sciences building. Parking for patients is provided in the Health Sciences parkade. Assessments are provided free of charge to the public.

For more information about the Medication Assessment Centre, visit

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For more information, contact:

Lesley Porter

Communications Coordinator

Council of Health Science Deans / Advancement and Community Engagement
