Greg Smith elected chair of the University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors

Greg Smith, FCA, a commerce graduate of the U of S and partner in the Swift Current accounting firm Stark & Marsh LLP, will assume the role of chair of the University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors in October.

By Jennifer Thoma
The board approved a motion October 9 naming Smith to replace Susan Milburn as chair, and to elect Lee Ahenakew as vice-chair. Milburn, a member of the board since 2006, will conclude her term on October 18 when University Senate will elect its new representative on the board.

"It is a privilege to serve the University of Saskatchewan as a member of the board, and I appreciate the opportunity to serve as chair," said Smith. "I want to thank Susan Milburn for her leadership and commitment to the board and our university; she has exemplified public service during her time on the board. I am excited about the future of our university and look forward to working with my colleagues on behalf of the University of Saskatchewan."

Smith was appointed to the university board in 2007. He chairs the governance and executive committee, and serves on both the audit and finance and investment committees. Smith has a long history of community involvement, including terms as president of the Swift Current Kiwanis Club, director for the Saskatchewan Special Olympic Games, Swift Current United Way and South West Centre for Entrepreneurial Development. He is a past governor of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, past president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan and served as an instructor at the University of Regina and Athabasca College.

Ahenakew, also a U of S commerce graduate, was appointed to the board in January 2013, shortly after he relocated to Saskatoon from Dundas, Ontario where he worked at the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business as vice-president of member relations. He is currently employed with BHP Billiton working in community engagement. He has served on several other boards and brings to the U of S expertise in corporate Aboriginal relations and is a certified professional director. He chairs the board's audit committee and also serves as a member of the land and facilities committee.

The University of Saskatchewan's Board of Governors is responsible for overseeing and directing all matters respecting the management, administration and control of the university's property, revenues and financial affairs. The board consists of eleven members: the chancellor and the president of the university as ex officio members, five members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, two members elected by the Senate, the president of University of Saskatchewan Students' Unionand one faculty member.


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations

University of Saskatchewan
