Media statement: U of S announces change in human resources leadership

This statement was issued by Greg Fowler, vice-president finance and resources, University of Saskatchewan on July 25, 2014.

By Jennifer Thoma

Today, it was announced through an internal memo to the campus community a change in leadership of human resources at the University of Saskatchewan.

"Barb Daigle, associate vice-president of human resources, and I have come to a mutually-agreed decision for her to leave her position with the University of Saskatchewan, as of today July 25, 2014," said Greg Fowler, vice-president of finance and resources. "After considerable discussion and reflection, Barb and I both agree this is in the best interests of the university and for Barb's own career goals.

In the interim, Cheryl Carver will assume the role of Acting AVP Human Resources and will work with the staff to continue providing human resources support to the campus. While no timelines have been set, I expect to fill this position permanently within the next year.

Barb has expressed to me her appreciation for her experiences at the university, having worked at the U of S for over 12 years. I would like to thank her for her leadership and many contributions to the university during that time. Her personal commitment to learning and encouraging the learning of others has had a significant impact on the human resources department and the university. I wish her well in the future."

This is a confidential personnel matter and the university will not comment further on the details of an individual's employment. For that reason, no interviews will be granted at this time.


For more information

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations Specialist

University of Saskatchewan
