Science outreach program celebrates international awards

Media are invited to an event at the University of Saskatchewan announcing and celebrating the PotashCorp Kamskénow program's reception of two international awards.

By Jennifer Thoma
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014

Program: 10:15-10:30 am

Museum of Natural Sciences

Geological Sciences Building

114 Science Place


PotashCorp Kamskénow is a science outreach program based in the College of Arts and Science. It provides hands-on science and math activities to Grades 4-12 students in Saskatoon with the goal of increasing interest in the sciences, particularly among Aboriginal students.

Youth involved in the program will be on campus for laboratory activities. Representatives of partner organizations will also be present.


For more information, contact:

Chris Putnam

Communications Officer

College of Arts & Science

University of Saskatchewan



Additional information on PotashCorp Kamskénow: