U of S and Saskatchewan Blue Cross launch children's health program MEND in Regina and Southern Saskatchewan

The University of Saskatchewan invites media to attend an announcement regarding the MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It) children's health program.

By Jennifer Thoma

Tuesday, May 27

2 pm

YMCA of Regina (Northwest Location)

5939 Rochdale Blvd

Regina, SK

Together with the Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) and Saskatchewan Blue Cross, the university will launch the internationally acclaimed health program into Regina and the southern part of the province. The program aims to inspire children, families and adults to lead and sustain fitter, healthier and happier lives by changing behaviours that cause obesity.

After the presentation, the following people will be available for photos and media interviews:

Carol Rodgers, dean of the College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan

Kevin Doherty, Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport

Todd Peterson, vice president sales and marketing, Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Randy Klassen, CEO YMCA of Regina


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations

University of Saskatchewan

