U of S business school to launch new master's program in marketing

A new master's degree in marketing---only the fifth such program in Canada---is ready to launch at the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S).

By Jennifer Thoma
With the first classes set for fall 2015, applications will be accepted until the end of March 2015, explained Barb Phillips, a professor in Edwards who helped design the curriculum of the new graduate program.

"This was created by Edwards marketing faculty as a PhD-readiness program. We set out to create a program that focuses on the theoretical and academic, rather than the applied, like a typical MBA," said Phillips, who will be one of seven instructors involved with the program.

Phillips explained that the first year is dedicated to course work in areas including consumer behavior, research process and marketing theory, with the second year solely focused on learning how to develop an independent thesis that can be used as a stepping stone into a PhD program.

Compared to other Canadian graduate degrees in marketing, the U of S program has two unique aspects. "One of our strengths will be individual mentorship; each student will have an individual faculty supervisor," said Phillips, adding that enrollment will be capped at seven students in each year.

Another advantage offered by the Edwards program are the connections the U of S marketing faculty have with marketing PhD programs across North America.

"We can help our students get into the best marketing programs in North America to match their interests," she said, stressing that pursuing a PhD is not the only option. "I tell people: 'Try this and see if you like academia. If not, you still get a great education and a degree that is highly sought after by industry.'"

Daphne Taras, dean of the school, offered congratulations to those involved in developing the new master's degree in marketing. "The Edwards School continues to show that it is innovative and that our professors are keenly interested in providing exceptional opportunities for top students," she said.

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For more information, contact:

Maureen Bourassa, Director of the MSc marketing program

Edwards School of Business

University of Saskatchewan

Phone: 306- 966-2119