U of S commits to reducing climate change on International Polar Bear Day

Media are invited to join the University of Saskatchewan for a special announcement on International Polar Bear Day. The event will highlight how our own carbon footprint is affecting the Arctic region and its top predator, the polar bear.

By Jennifer Thoma

Thursday, February 27

12 pm

North Concourse

Place Riel Student Centre

University of Saskatchewan


Following the announcement, U of S experts on polar bears and the Arctic will give a special presentation.


·         Douglas Clark, Centennial Chair, School of Environment and Sustainability

·         Ryan Brook, assistant professor, College of Agriculture and Bioresources

·         Susan Blum, director, Research Services


A screening of the film 'Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change' will follow the event in Place Riel.




For more information:


Meagan Hinther

Communications Specialist

University of Saskatchewan

