U of S Edwards School of Business and SIIT to sign agreement

The University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) invites media to be part of an announcement. The U of S and SIIT will be to signing an agreement to benefit Aboriginal students. This is the first of its kind in Saskatchewan.

By Jennifer Thoma

 Monday, February 10

9:30 am

SIIT Student Success Centre

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
229 - 4th Avenue South, Second Floor

Dean Daphne Taras and Associate Dean Noreen Mahoney from the Edwards School of Business, President Riel Bellegarde, Chief Darcy Bear of Whitecap Dakota First Nation and Minister of Advanced Education Rob Norris will be available for interviews following the announcement.


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations

University of Saskatchewan



Robert Daniels

Director of Marketing and Communications

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies

