U of S hosts first annual College of Engineering Safety day

At the first annual safety day held on January 8, more than 1200 University of Saskatchewan Engineering students spent an entire day learning about safety training, awareness and education in a professional environment.

By Jennifer Thoma
"We want our students to have the competencies needed to be effective in the development, implementation, and evaluation of health and safety programs and systems in a wide variety of occupational engineering settings," said Georges Kipouros, dean of the College of Engineering. "Each session students participated will contribute to healthier and safer workplaces in the future."

The day included a variety of sessions and workshops to educate engineering students about safety in the workplace professionals and how they will one day be responsible for safety. Training was provided by the college, fire department, emergency response personnel and local industry leaders.

Sessions throughout the day touched on the importance of health, environment, and community safety along with a brief review of an engineer's legal and professional responsibility for safety.

"This is the first time that the college has hosted an event like this. It is significant because above all else we want to help ensure the safety of our students when they become professionals and everyone they are working with as well," said Kipouros.


For more information, contact:

Jennifer Thoma

Media Relations

University of Saskatchewan

