U of S hosts first Indigenizing and Decolonizing Education Conference

Media are invited to join members of the University of Saskatchewan community for the keynote presentation and other sessions at the upcoming wâhkôhtowin Conference, Indigenizing Practice in Post-Secondary Education: Linking Kindred Spirits.

By Jennifer Thoma
September 18-20

University of Saskatchewan Campus


The important conference will support faculty and educators interested in Indigenizing and decolonizing their teaching practice in a post-secondary environment.

Keynote speakers include:

Former Prime Minister, Paul Martin: "Indigenous Education: My Journey"

Friday, September 19

10 am

Convocation Hall


Dene Elder and recognized medicine woman from the NWT, Be'sha Blondin: "Land is our Education"Â

Saturday, September 20

9 am

Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Fifty-five presenters will be featured on Friday in concurrent sessions at the university. In addition the conference will give delegates opportunities on Saturday to discuss the issues, challenges and promising practices from departments, colleges, and universities across Canada and how they are moving toward fulfilling the educational priority of Aboriginal education.

For the complete conference schedule, please visit http://www.usask.ca/wahkohtowin2014/index.php

For more information about the conference or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Marie Battiste

Professor, College of Education



To arrange interviews with Former Prime Minister, Paul Martin, please contact:

Chloe Ferguson

Research Assistant to the Right Honourable Paul Martin

