University of Saskatchewan experts available to comment on Sochi Winter Olympics

As the Olympic Winter Games kick off next week in Sochi, Russia, the following experts from the U of S are available to comment various on topics ranging from the training it takes to become an Olympic athlete and sports psychology to advertising and the threat of terrorist attacks:

By Jennifer Thoma
Olympic experience and sports psychology

Dr. Gerald Farthing and Dr. Selina Zaluski, Sports Psychologists, College of Arts and Science, Farthing and Zaluski can comment on physical or psychological aspects of injury, psychological aspects of performance. Zaluski has previous experience as a member of Canada's national speed skating team and her brother is an Olympic medalist. (Zaluski is available for media interviews after Feb. 8)

Athletes, athletic performance and Olympic training

Jason Weber, Coordinator of the Human Performance Center, College of Kinesiology

Weber can comment on Olympic athlete training, development and performance. He has coordinated, designed and implemented off season high-performance training for professional athletes and is also a Certified Exercise Physiologist.

Security measures and terrorism

Professor Colleen Bell, Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Science

Bell can comment on the mounting terror threats against the Sochi Olympics and why the terror threat is higher during most Olympics. Bell's areas of research include war and security studies, terrorism and counterterrorism and security development.

Advertising and Marketing

Professor David Williams, Professor of Marketing, Edwards School of Business

Williams can comment on advertising and promotion, international marketing, marketing management and marketing strategies that go into the Olympics.

Nationalism and the Olympics

Professor Daniel Béland, political sociologist, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy

Béland can speak about the connection between nationalism and the Olympics and how governments use the power of the Olympics to create greater affinity to the country and/or sway public opinion on an issue.


For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Thoma


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University of Saskatchewan