White Coat Ceremony marks start of professional careers for U of S medical students

The University of Saskatchewan invites media to attend the College of Medicine's White Coat Ceremony.

By Jennifer Thoma
Friday, September 26, 2014

2 pm

Prairieland Park

503 Ruth Street West

Saskatoon, SK

The White Coat Ceremony is an annual rite of passage for many North American medical schools, and is used to welcome incoming first-year students to the medical profession. Each medical student will be presented with a white coat, a gift from a senior member of the medical profession.

Interim President Gordon Barnhart will represent all patients and act as a cloaker during the ceremony and the keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Preston Smith, dean of medicine.

The class of 2014 will graduate in spring 2018, and are the first class to experience the College of Medicine's new 2 + 2 curriculum. This new curriculum is designed to provide students with two years of pre-clinical instruction following two years of clinical learning.

Interviews can be arranged following the program.


For more information, contact:

Laura Herman


College of Medicine

