Monday at U of spring convocation

The University of Saskatchewan invites media members to attend the June 1 spring convocation ceremony.

By James Shewaga

 June 1, 2 pm

TCU Place, 35 22 Street East, Saskatoon

June 1:  2 pm ceremony

Graduating: Agriculture and Bioresources (Certificate in Agriculture, Prairie Horticulture Certificate) and Engineering

Honorary Doctor of Science Degree:  Mr. V. Mohan Malhotra

Mr. Malhotra's contributions in the field of concrete technology extend beyond the borders of any nation and have had global effects. His innovations and stewardship on behalf of the American Concrete Institute have led the ACI to describe him as their "Ambassador to the World." Mr. Malhotra's work has involved the repurposing of industrial waste in the concrete industry, with significant implications for energy use and sustainability.

Story of interest: Alexandra Thomson, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Regina, SK, and Carry the Kettle First Nation

Alexandra Thomson has been instrumental in creating Aboriginal initiatives within the College of Engineering and is still looking to create change to see more representation of Aboriginal students within her field of study. She has also been an active member within the Aboriginal community on campus, including being a student ambassador at the Aboriginal Students' Centre for the past three years. Ms. Thomson says she was completely disconnected from her culture before attending university, but since becoming involved at the U of S, has grown as a student advocate and as a leader. She is also an accomplished musician who is set to release her first album with her band East of Eden.

To members of the media who plan to attend convocation:

Photographers may take photos from anywhere—except on the stage once the ceremonies begin.

 Reserved space for media is located on the second floor to the left of the stage (all other seats are reserved for the graduating students and their guests.

 The route graduates use as they proceed to the stage must be kept clear.


For more information, contact:
James Shewaga
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan
W: 306-966-1851 C: 306-270-5583