Thursday at U of S spring convocation

The University of Saskatchewan invites members of the media to attend the June 4 spring convocation ceremonies.

By James Shewaga

June 4
9 am and 2 pm
TCU Place, 35 22 Street East, Saskatoon

9 am Ceremony:

Graduating: Kinesiology, Medicine, Pharmacy and Nutrition and Veterinary Medicine.

Honorary Doctor of Science Degree: Bruce Schnell

Born in Maymont, SK, Mr. Schnell graduated from the University of Saskatchewan and later joined the faculty at the College of Pharmacy, becoming dean and eventually vice-president academic. In addition to a career of service as a university administrator, he has directed two national research projects, with implications for hospital pharmacy standards and practice across Canada and abroad.

Earned Doctor of Science Degree: Dr. Kailash Prasad

Dr. Kailash Prasad's research in the area of cardiology has made him a world leader in the fight against heart disease. He belongs to the Royal College of Physicians of Canada, American College of Cardiology, International College of Angiology and International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, and holds eight US and Canadian patents.

Distinguished Researcher Award: Adam Baxter-Jones

Adam Baxter-Jones is one of the world's foremost experts in the discipline of pediatric exercise science and is renowned for his research of children's growth and development. His studies and leadership in this area have significantly altered how the medical and other health professional communities view the role that exercise has on childhood growth and maturation. Baxter-Jones is currently the interim dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Research at the U of S.

President's Service Medal: Rae Bourner

Even after almost 40 years as an employee of the University of Saskatchewan, Rae Bourner's commitment to the institution, and the students it serves, has never waivered. She has been described as the glue that holds the College of Medicine together but her care and concern for students is what generates the most admiration amongst her peers. Ms. Bourner has been a true "mom" that has "encouraged, cajoled, pushed, nagged, dragged, coaxed and carried countless learners through demanding programs and out into successful careers."

2 pm Ceremony:

Graduating: Dentistry and Nursing.

Honorary Doctor of Science Degree: Dr. Carl Zylak

A graduate of the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine, Dr. Carl Zylak went on to study radiology in Michigan. A member of many of the preeminent radiological associations in North America, Dr. Zylak has also been a visiting professor at more than 30 national and international institutions, as well as a faculty member in several international courses.

Story of Interest:

Savannah Sylvestre, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Île-à-la-Crosse, SK

Savannah Sylvestre joins a group of nursing students from La Ronge and Île-à-la-Crosse who will graduate with their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees from the University of Saskatchewan without having to leave their hometowns. "We are celebrating graduates today who may not have completed their nursing degree if we did not offer our program in the north," said College of Nursing Dean Lorna Butler. Prior to the start of this program in 2012, students would have had to leave their community to take their nursing education in Saskatoon, Regina or Prince Albert. But thanks to the new BSN degree, students can complete their studies and remain in their home communities.

To members of the media who plan to attend the final day of convocation:

  • Photographers may take photos from anywhere—except on the stage once the ceremonies begin.

  • Reserved space for media is located on the second floor to the left of the stage (all other seats are reserved for the graduating students and their guests).

  • The route graduates use as they proceed to the stage must be kept clear.


For more information, please contact:
James Shewaga
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan
W: 306-966-1851 C: 306-270-5583