U of S engineering programs earn full accreditation

The undergraduate engineering programs offered by the University of Saskatchewan have been awarded full accreditation.

By James Shewaga
The College of Engineering made the announcement following a complete review of its programs by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), the body that oversees undergraduate engineering education in Canada.

"The CEAB accreditation decision provides the College of Engineering with strong affirmation that we are offering high-quality undergraduate education that effectively prepares our students for careers in engineering," said Dean of Engineering Georges Kipouros.

Accreditation has been granted until 2021 for all programs, with the exception of environmental engineering. Kipouros explained that program received a three-year accreditation until 2018, with the possibility of an extension once the college addresses recommendations made in the report of the accreditation body, which the college will receive later this month.

"I am confident that we will successfully address the CEAB's requirements regarding the environmental engineering program to ensure that it achieves an accreditation extension," Kipouros added.

All eight of the college's undergraduate engineering programs were accredited previously, but are subject to accreditation review at least every six years. The college's programs were first accredited in 1965. Accreditation is a regular process for undergraduate engineering programs to ensure they meet professional engineering registration requirements in Canada.

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For more information, contact:
Kate Blau, Communications Officer
College of Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
(W) 306-966-7924 (C) 306-370-2383