U of S set for Campus Sustainability Week

SASKATOON - The University of Saskatchewan's commitment to sustainability will be on full display next week.

By James Shewaga
From Tuesday through Friday, the U of S Office of Sustainability and its partners across campus and in the community will be showcasing its programs during Campus Sustainability Week.

A Sustainability Expo will be held each day from 10 am to 4 pm in the north concourse of Place Riel to display student group contributions to sustainability and highlight recycling, food security, eating local and winter cycling. Evening events include film nights, a winter cycling workshop and a discussion on the world population boom with local author Paul Hanley on Wednesday in the Education Building at 5 pm.

Several student groups are also holding their own initiatives around campus, including clothing and item swaps, bicycle scavenger hunts and urban space re-use demonstrations. The Diefenbaker Canada Centre is also offering guided campus sustainability tours at the U of S on Tuesday and Thursday.

"We are very pleased with the activities planned for Campus Sustainability Week," said Colin Tennant, associate vice-president of the U of S Facilities Management Division. "This year, partners include the Sustainability Committee, the USSU, the School of Environment and Sustainability, Louis', the College of Law, the Diefenbaker Centre, a variety of students groups and community partners like CHEP and the Broadway Theatre, among others. This level of collaboration speaks to the growing momentum around sustainability on our campus and in our community. I invite all to get involved."


For more information, contact:
Matt Wolsfeld
Community Engagement Co-ordinator
Office of Sustainability, Facilities Management Division
University of Saskatchewan