U of S students busy bees on Earth Day

Graduate students in the University of Saskatchewan's School of Environment and Sustainability and the Toxicology Centre are helping bees make their homes along the Saskatoon riverbank with the installation of bee 'hotels' in Cosmopolitan Park.

Saskatchewan is home to over 350 different species of solitary bees, which unlike honeybees, do not nest in hives, preferring to nest in small cavities found in trees or decaying wood. Students have constructed bee houses out of seasoned, untreated wood blocks with the hopes that the bees will frequent the riverbank and pollinate wildflowers along the valley.

Media are invited to attend the event, which will include park clean-up, native wildflower planting and bee house installation. U of S PhD student Michael Cavallaro will be available on-site for media interviews.

Wednesday April 22, 2015
11 am - 3 pm
Cosmopolitan Park
(Saskatchewan Crescent East and 14th Street East, north of Broadway Bridge)

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For more information, contact:
Meagan Hinther
Communications Specialist
School of Environment and Sustainability
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-1019 (work)
(306) 222-2296 (cell)