U of S to host Great War Aboriginal roundtable

Members of the media are invited to attend a roundtable discussion at the University of Saskatchewan to hear members of the First Nations and Métis communities discuss the Aboriginal role in the Great War.

By James Shewaga

Friday, June 19
12:45 pm
Convocation Hall, Peter MacKinnon Building
107 Administration Place
University of Saskatchewan 

The event, hosted by the U of S in co-operation with the Office of the Treaty Commissioner and the Gabriel Dumont Institute, is an opportunity for the public to hear the voices of First Nations and Métis community members talk about Aboriginal participation in Canada's war effort. It is one of a series of events organized by the U of S Great War Commemoration Committee between now and 2018 to mark the role the university, and all of Canada, played in the First World War.

The Aboriginal roundtable will begin with songs of tribute to the soldiers. Moderator George E Lafond from the Office of the Treaty Commissioner will guide the roundtable with First Nations and Métis representatives Bruce Flamont, Murray Hamilton, Lyndon Linklater and Harry Lafond. Following the discussion, audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Media interviews will be available with members of the U of S Great War Commemoration Committee following the event.


For more information, contact:
James Shewaga
Media Relations Specialist
University of Saskatchewan